C = Current Quarterly Earnings Per
Share: How Much Is Enough?
= Aimual Earnings Increases: Look for Meaiiingful Growth.
N = New Products, New Management, New
Highs: Buying at the Right Time.
= Supply and Demand: Small Capitalization Plus Volume Demand.
L = Leader or Laggard: Which Is Your
= Institutional Sponsorship: A Little Goes a Long Way.
M = Market Direction: How to Determine It?
C = Current quarterly earnings per share. They must be up at least
A = Annual earnings per share. They should show meaningful growth for the
last five years.
shares outstanding, not large capitalization, older companies. And look
for volume increases when a stock begins to move up.
with better than average recent performance records.
C = Current quarterly earnings per share. They must be up at least
A = Annual earnings per share. They should show meaningful growth for the
last five years.
N = New. Buy companies with new products, new management, or significant
new changes in their industry conditions. And most important, buy stocks
as they initially make new highs in price. (Forget cheap stocks; they are
usually cheap for a very good reason.)
S = Supply and Demand. There should be a small or reasonable number ofshares outstanding, not large capitalization, older companies. And look
for volume increases when a stock begins to move up.
L = Leaders. Buy market leaders, avoid laggards.
I = Institutional sponsorship. Buy stocks with at least a few institutional sponsorswith better than average recent performance records.
M = The general market. It will determine whether you win or lose, so learn to
interpret the daily general market indexes (price and volume changes)
and action of the individual market leaders to determine the overall market's
current direction.
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